FPTC Student Page

Within the FIRST TEN (10) DAYS of your course, ALL NEW STUDENTS must complete orientation. Click  HERE  to access the Orientation Document. Then, when you finish, take the TEST HERE.

Student Focus Account

To  access your FOCUS account, go to: 


USER NAME:  firstname.lastname (Ex: john.doe)
PASSWORD:  Student ID # (6750012345)

Student Email Account

If a student wants to access their EMAIL account, go to:


USER NAME:  firstname.lastname (Ex: john.doe)
PASSWORD:  Student ID # (6750012345d)



Login with your email (firstname.lastname@my.fptc.edu) and password (67#)

Student ID

Students get their student ID once they have been registered.  If you need your ID, and are already enrolled in a program, you can ask your instructor, or call Student Services at 850.638.1180 ext 317.