Florida Law Enforcement Academy

his training program will prepare students for employment as Law Enforcement Officers. The responsibility of a Law Enforcement Officer must never be taken lightly. Officers must always act within the boundaries of their authority and uphold the recognized standards of their professions code of ethics. The content includes, but is not limited to, knowledge of codes of ethics; history and evolution of laws; introduction to the criminal justice system; statutory authority of the FDLE CJSTC; basic law and legal procedures; law enforcement operations; investigation knowledge and skills; laws, rules, and regulations of arrest; search and seizure; knowledge of use of force; defensive tactics; physical fitness; weapons skills; controlling and restraining techniques; traffic control and direction, DUI enforcement techniques; first aid techniques; communications skills; human relations skills; definition of sexual harassment and ways to avoid compromising interactions with other officers and the public. 


Maintain order and protect life and property by enforcing local, tribal, state, or federal laws and ordinances. Perform a combination of the following duties: patrol a specific area; direct traffic; issue traffic summonses; investigate accidents; apprehend and arrest suspects, or serve legal processes of courts.